Zinātnieki nav bijuši vienisprātis, vai cukura un ēdienu ar augstu glikēmisko indeksu lietošana uzturā izraisa izsitumus vai "acne".
Pēdējā laikā gan pētījumi sliecas uz to, ka ir korelācija starp cukura patēriņu un pumpu veidošanos.
"Eating high GI foods - foods that are absorbed into the bloodstream quickly - is thought to have a direct effect on the severity of acne because of the hormonal fluctuations that are triggered. High GI foods cause a spike in hormone levels including insulin which is thought to instigate sebum production. A 2007 Australian study showed that young males who were put on a strict low GI diet noticed a significant improvement in the severity of their acne. - See more at: http://www.skininc.com/skinscience/physiology/Long-term-Research-Links-Dairy-and-High-Sugar-Foods-to-Acne-200252611.html#sthash.EY37xEX8.dpuf"