ko Maķis tirgos limonādē? 😁😁Dzidra Zupa @ 07.03.2022 18:57
McDonald un Pepsis man šķiet, ka vēl turas pret spiedienu. Neesmu redzējusi ziņas, ka izietu no tirgus.
tu sāc pakerties propogandai līdz 🤪Jacqueline @ 07.03.2022 17:41
Par iepriekšējo bombardēšanu ar teica, ka to darīja paši ukraiņi, jo ukraina grib piesaistīt ātrāku reakciju no nato.
Tik ļoti nepaļautos Ukraiņu ziņām (konkrēti šajā gadijumā.)
Some EU Nations Balk at Push to Advance Ukraine’s Membership Bid
Several western European Union countries are pushing back against calls for the bloc to grant Ukraine so-called candidate status this week, a first step on the long road to EU membership, according to several diplomats.
Germany, the Netherlands and others first want the EU’s executive arm to deliver its opinion on Ukraine’s readiness for the membership process before taking a political decision, said the diplomats, describing private discussions taking place ahead of a summit in France this week. Those countries want to focus on delivering practical support to Ukraine and ending the war rather than embarking on a process that could take at least a decade, one of the diplomats said.
A diplomat from one of the countries opposed to making Ukraine a candidate said their government was wary of offering false expectations and Kyiv isn’t ready to begin the formal accession process. Some countries in western Europe are concerned about further expansion after long-running disputes over the rule of law with newer members such as Hungary and Poland, as well as how other long-standing candidates in the Balkans would view a preferential approach for Ukraine.
Gaining EU membership is an arduous process requiring dozens of criteria to be met -- from the rule of law to judicial reforms -- and can take more than a decade. Croatia was the last country to join the bloc and its application lasted 10 years before it was formally accepted in 2013. Starting the process requires the unanimous approval of all EU member states, the European Commission and the European Parliament.
es paskatījos Sky ziņas live in izskatās pēc viņu aplēsēm, ka Kijeva tiek ielenkta no visām pusēm šobrīd. Es ļoti ceru, ka Zeļenskis ir aiztinies no turienes.Shayk @ 07.03.2022 19:06Nu ne! ?
Marcipaaans @ 07.03.2022 19:16Ukrainian mayor shot dead near Kyiv - reports
The mayor of Hostomel has been shot and killed while out distributing aid, according to Ukrainian officials.
Dzidra Zupa @ 07.03.2022 19:20Beidzot!!!!! Beidzot tā vatesgalva paņemta ciet!
bļa tā vate Aivis galīgs dalbojobs, nez cik gadus kūdīja un kurināja naidu PRET LATVIEŠIEM, nodarbojās ar propogandu, taisīja um vadīja entās lapas un grupas par anti kovidiem, par krieveļu ideoloģiju un to, ka latvieši ir kaut kas zemisks, kas nav tiesisks būt Latvijā. Bet šis tārpa bija tik pretīgs un slīpēts ne tā kā Neits. Nez, tagad Aivi apraudās viņa harēms, kkur dzirdēju, ka viņš pat iztaisījis kaut kādu sektu bija, kur sievietes aplaimoja un viņu par kaut kādu bez maz vai dievu uzskatīja.Dzidra Zupa @ 07.03.2022 19:20Beidzot!!!!! Beidzot tā vatesgalva paņemta ciet!
b*a, tikko visi iespējamie lāsti tika izšpļauti no manas mutes😡🤬Shayk @ 07.03.2022 19:06Nu ne! ?
Dzidra Zupa @ 07.03.2022 19:20Beidzot!!!!! Beidzot tā vatesgalva paņemta ciet!