Stāsts kā no ābeces - esi uzķēries uz tipisku sievieti narcisisti. Diemžēl tādu ir vesels lērums.
The relationship cycle typical of extreme
narcissistic abuse generally follows a pattern:
Idealize, Devalue, Discard.
... man ir vēl tās simpātijas un jūtas, jo tādas kādas man bija, pret viņu tādas man nav bijušas ne pret vienu cilvēku..
Narcissist's idealization stage. The first stage in a narcissistic relationship is “idealization” and is perhaps the most dangerous of them all. This is how they hook you! Love bombing is a phrase describing this stage, in which the narcissistic person may smother the target with praise, courting, intense sex, promises of a future together, and designation, essentially, as the most special person ever.
viss sākumā bija normāli līdz brīdim kad sākās strīdi, protams strīdos sākumā es izvairījos jo zinot sevi man pašam nepatīk strīdēties
Narcissist's devaluation stage. When narcissists get past the thrill of the chase, the adrenaline rush, the relationship ease into a stable stage, the narcissist gets bored, so they pick fights out of the blue to get their adrenaline fix.
Once a narcissist has hooked their victim, they start showing their true self. This is where the insults and put-downs start slipping into what they say. They suddenly criticize things about their partner that they once seemed to love — everything they say is part of their scheme to shatter their partner's confidence.
īsi pirms šķiršanās, viņa sagāja kopā ar citu puisi.
Narcissist's discard stage. A narcissist’s discard is a usually an abrupt end of a relationship with no closure or empathy. Sometimes the discard occurs when the narcissist finds someone who they believe is better or more interesting than their current partner.
Izšķīrāmies, tad sāka mani nomelnot,
Narcissist's smear campaign. The smear campaign is born out of a combination of factors, including the need to be right and have his or her “truth” become the prevailing script, retaining status and standing (making sure that his or her inner hidden shame doesn’t become public), and maintaining control of his or her image.
pēcāk kad aizbrauca tagad uz ārzemēm viņa saka kad manis pietrūkst utt..
Narcissistic hoovering. Narcissistic hoovering refers to attempts made by the narcissist to bring you back into their life – often after a period of distance on your part. Especially if this is a new behaviour for you, the narcissist might hold off for a short while to see if you're really serious about creating that distance.
s protams kad tagad esam šķirti, es savu kļūdu esmu atzinis un esmu rakstījis piedošanu, sākumā teica kad dos man otru iespēju, pēc tam tomēr pasaka kad nē, nedos kad jūtas esot pazudušas.
Tu viņai
narcissistic supply.
Ja gribi kaut ko nopietnu, tad mūc ko kājas nes, bet ja gribi viņu tikai padrātēt, tad rēķinies, ka tevi tāpat izmetīs un publiski nomelnos.