Kārtot pēc: jaunākā, vecākā

tām, kas prot

Reitings 11698
Reģ: 29.11.2012
Sveikas. Tātad šodien parādās mans neprašīgums datoros. Sēžu pie planšetes. Domāju, ka gribu nokačāt video no youtubes. Kaut kad senāk man izdevās nokačāt no youtubes 2 video, bet tad izdzēsu no aplikāciju, kur kačāju.
Tgd dabuju aplikāciju atkal, nezinu vai tā pati vispār un nevaru nokačāt. Neprotu.
Tagad man uz sākuma ekrāna ir 6 video kačājamās aplikācijas, bet ar nevienu man nesanāk.
Kā, lai es nokačāju video?:D reku aplikācija Vidioder. Atveru aplikāciju, uzspiežu sērč video un atrodu savu video. Uzspiežu uz video, bet man tikai parāda visu info par video, vietu, kur to saglabās nokačājot un tā, bet reāli nav tādas vietas, kur nospiest download vai ko:D kā nokačāt to video?
07.02.2014 14:14 |
Reitings 1201
Reģ: 15.11.2013

nevjag neko kačāt. visu var izdarīt online.
07.02.2014 14:16 |
Reitings 1201
Reģ: 15.11.2013
07.02.2014 14:26 |
Reitings 11698
Reģ: 29.11.2012
Tjipa, atveru lapu, ielieku linku, spiezhu download? Jaa? Man saka,ka man jaaieinstelee kaut kaads livi vai kas tur, bet man taadu iespeeju planshete nedod,kaa ieinsteleet. Paraadas galerijaa,ka ir video, bet video ir neatverams. Izdzeesu, meegjinaaju veelreiz. Nekaa.:D
07.02.2014 14:32 |
Reitings 42
Reģ: 24.02.2013
kur ir youtubes liks pieraksti prieksā ss.
07.02.2014 14:36 |
Reitings 1201
Reģ: 15.11.2013
2.Download YouTube videos on web browser on Your Android device

Pros: You can directly download the YouTube videos on your Android device without any other things.
Cons: The downloaded YouTube video on the website may be not compatible with your Android device, and you may need to convert the video before watching it.

At the moment, the top YouTube download website includes: KeepVid, Zamzar, SaveYouTube, KeepTube.
Open your Android web browser, and go to YouTube website.
Search for and tap the video you want to download, choose Browser from the options that the mobile device will prompt you.
Copy the video URL by tapping “Menu” + “Go to URL”
Go to a website like http://www.keepvid.com
Paste this YouTube address on the Search Box and hit Enter
Tap “›› Download ‹‹ (video.mp4 – High Quality)”. Then it will download the videos in a new window. After it, just find the video in your browser history.
3.Download YouTube videos on Your Android phone or Tablet with Android apps

Pros: You can directly download the YouTube videos on your Android device, and it can supports more video formats and resolutions than the YouTube downloading website.
Cons:You need to install one app on Your Android device, which may slow your Android device’s speed.

For Android app, I would like to suggest TubeMate for you, which has ever been the best free app before Google removed it. It not only lets you download YouTube videos in variety of video formats and resolutions or as MP3 files, but also it can be a full media player for your Android phone.
07.02.2014 14:37 |
Reitings 1201
Reģ: 15.11.2013

atradu arī pamācību video. tik nevaru noskatīties vai ir noderīgs.
07.02.2014 14:39 |
Kārtot pēc: jaunākā, vecākā

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