Kārtot pēc: jaunākā, vecākā

Pamestas vietas

Reitings 73
Reģ: 08.07.2013
Sveikas. Kādas pamestas vietas, baznīcas utt ieteiktu apskatīt latgales pusē? Tādas, kur var iekļūt un objekti netiek apsargāti.
Vairāk interesētu Madonas- Aglonas ceļa posms un apkārtne
15.07.2022 12:47 |
Reitings 73
Reģ: 08.07.2013
Varat man rakstīt privāti vietas, lai nebūtu citiem tik plaši pieejamas un netiktu izdemolētas
15.07.2022 12:54 |
Reitings 2689
Reģ: 07.03.2022
Tajos ceļa posmos nekas tāds nenāk prātā, ja vienīgi Jaunaglonā ir pamesta skola, ja ir intrese var aizbraukt apskatīties, bet nezinu vai tagad tur var tikt iekšā. 🙄
15.07.2022 16:38 |
10 gadiPatīk
Reitings 2457
Reģ: 20.07.2013
Tiktokā publicē daudz video no Latgales un pierobežas. neesmu interesējusies konkrēti.
15.07.2022 16:45 |
Reitings 2793
Reģ: 08.05.2022
Lazdonas muiža.
15.07.2022 16:49 |
10 gadi
Reitings 734
Reģ: 04.10.2009
Pamestas vietas Latvijā (Facebook, ir ļoti laba grupiņa).
15.07.2022 17:04 |
Reitings 1
Reģ: 14.09.2022
Tajos ceļa posmos nekas tāds nenāk prātā, ja vienīgi Jaunaglonā ir pamesta skola, ja ir intrese var aizbraukt apskatīties, bet nezinu vai tagad tur var tikt iekšā. mcdvoice
14.09.2022 12:24 |
Reitings 3
Reģ: 20.05.2023
Thank you for sharing this information and your experience!
20.05.2023 12:57 |
Reitings 3
Reģ: 20.05.2023

20.05.2023 12:59 |
Reitings 3
Reģ: 20.05.2023
20.05.2023 13:00 |
Reitings 4051
Reģ: 10.04.2023
Papēti - grauzti.lv , varbūt tur atradīsi kaut ko :)
20.05.2023 17:40 |
Reitings 2
Reģ: 09.06.2023
McDfoodforthoughts is an online survey platform designed by McDonald’s UK to collect feedback from customers about their experiences at the fast-food chain. McDonald’s Food For Thoughts Survey allows recent customers to share their feedback and opinion from their visit experience.
Click here for more information: mcdonald's food for thoughts
09.06.2023 08:43 |
Reitings 2
Reģ: 09.06.2023
McDfoodforthoughts is an online survey platform designed by McDonald’s UK to collect feedback from customers about their experiences at the fast-food chain. McDonald’s Food For Thoughts Survey allows recent customers to share their feedback and opinion from their visit experience.
Click here for more information: mcdonald's food for thoughts
09.06.2023 08:44 |
Reitings 1616
Reģ: 01.11.2022
Var pameklēt info par bradātājiem. Viņi dodas uz dažādiem pamestiem objektiem.
09.06.2023 14:33 |
Reitings 2954
Reģ: 14.02.2023
fv ir veselas 2 grupas .Nesen bijām atvadīties no Kaucmindes
22.10.2023 20:38 |
Reitings 2954
Reģ: 14.02.2023
Vēl ir man saraksts ar 5 pamestām baznīcam
23.10.2023 10:39 |
Reitings 1
Reģ: 28.11.2023

Customers are asked to review their previous dining experience in an online poll called McdFoodForThoughts, which is hosted by the fast food chain. The questionnaire focuses on things like overall customer happiness, staff friendliness, restaurant cleanliness, and food quality.Participants receive a validation code after finishing the survey, which they can use to claim interesting prizes like free food, deals, and more.
28.11.2023 11:07 |
Reitings 1
Reģ: 28.11.2023
Across America, Dollar General is a well-known network of variety stores. Customers of DG have the opportunity to win incredible prizes. The Grab DGcustomerfirst.com survey must be completed by the customer either online or via mail. Simply supply the necessary information and respond to a few short questions to help Dollar General improve its customer service and to enter to win $100 in gift cards that may be used at DG. The shop values the opinions and comments from its patrons and would like to use this online poll to get information about how well the store is performing.
28.11.2023 15:26 |
Reitings 2
Reģ: 29.11.2023
The dragonfly's elaborate wings are beautifully sculpted and reflect light as it moves. Its gold plating gives it a luxurious touch and makes it an ideal accessory for both professional and informal settings. This necklace is more than just a piece of jewelry; it's a reminder of the wonder inside and a statement of beauty. Ameny | earring
29.11.2023 13:03 |
Reitings 2
Reģ: 29.11.2023
The dragonfly's elaborate wings are beautifully sculpted and reflect light as it moves. Its gold plating gives it a luxurious touch and makes it an ideal accessory for both professional and informal settings. Ameny | earring This necklace is more than just a piece of jewelry; it's a reminder of the wonder inside and a statement of beauty.
29.11.2023 13:04 |
10 gadi
Reitings 6285
Reģ: 01.04.2009
Esmu dzimusi Madonas pusē, vari man uzrakstīt. Bet vispār jā, Facebook grupā "Pamestas vietas Latvijā" ir diezgan daudz kas , no kā "iedvesmoties".
29.11.2023 13:49 |
Kārtot pēc: jaunākā, vecākā

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