Sveikas! Vēlos iesniegt dokumentus ārzemju izglītības iestādē. Reizē esot jāsūta arī apstiprināta pases kopija. Personīgi to sapratu kā došanos uz tulkošanas biroju un notariāla apstiprinājuma saņemšanu, bet ārzemju mājaslapā jēdziens tulkots šādi (atļaušos iekopēt pa taisno) - If you send a copy of any document it must be certified. A certified copy is a photocopy of an original document which must have been stamped, signed and dated as being a true copy of the original by a person of good standing in the community.
Examples of a person of good standing include:
• Minister of religion
• Doctor
• Lawyer
• Civil servant
• Teacher/lecturer (not college or university administration staff)
• Police officer
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