Kārtot pēc: jaunākā, vecākā

how to root nexus 4 online

Reitings 1
Reģ: 15.07.2014
Update to Android 4.4 KitKat is giving problems and maybe not such a good idea as it sounds. Many Nexus 4 users have complained of multiple errors that your smartphone features after the upgrade. Many bugs or failures experienced by the Nexus 4 after switching to Android KitKat.

Among the most common problems when updating the Nexus with Android 4.4 4 ecuentran KitKat is that the home button or "house" does not work when pressed or rapid adjustments are not shown Did you know that Android 4.4 is now available KitKat Galaxy S4 and HTC Google One Edition? In AndroidPolice showed even screenshots of the errors in Nexus 4:

As seen in the image on the left, the start button does not work in the image on the right we can see that the quick how to root nexus 4 settings do not appear in the Nexus 4. There are also problems on the lock screen and dialing numbers.Some of the solutions are given Google reset the phone to factory conditions and see if the errors disappear. Another solution would be to install a launcher that emulates Android 4.4 KitKat.
15.07.2014 15:25 |
Kārtot pēc: jaunākā, vecākā

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