Kārtot pēc: jaunākā, vecākā

ai, ai, ai - word :(

Reitings 117
Reģ: 09.05.2013
Savārīju ziepes, bet tagad nezinu vai iespējams labot. Tātad, uzrakstīju darbu, kur bija sākums no pasniedzējas un visu laiku rādījās šitāds teksts "This document contains links that may to other files. do you want to update this document with the data from the linked files" un atbildes "yes" "no" ,visu laiku spiedu "no", nu bet tad nokopēju to gatavo darbu citā mapē, pat nosaukumu nomainīju un verot vaļā rādījās tas pats teksts un uzspiedu "yes" ,nezinu kāda velna pēc :@ un viss tieši mans rakstītais pazuda gan no kopētā darba , gan no tā īstā, palika tik tas sākums no pasniedzēja :( Un ceru tagad uz kādu spečuku, jo vēlreiz tagad to pašu neuzrakstīšu :( Vai ir iespējams kko darīt lietas labā?
08.06.2013 22:05 |
Reitings 6037
Reģ: 30.10.2010
08.06.2013 22:10 |
Reitings 117
Reģ: 09.05.2013
Nav nav tik vienkārši :( un it kā failiem ir jāsaglabājas automātiksi kkur pc , bet man nekur tie nesaglabājas , vismaz nevaru atrast :(
08.06.2013 22:13 |
Reitings 6037
Reģ: 30.10.2010
Es vienkārši iedomājos pašu vienkāršāko, jo man parasti tā ir, ka izmēģinu visu, bet to pašu pirmo, ko vajadzētu - nē. :D

Tad nezināšu, ko ieteikt. :(
08.06.2013 22:26 |
Reitings 9169
Reģ: 23.02.2012
If the Always create backup copy option is selected, there may be a backup copy of the file.

Note To locate this option, click Options on the Tools menu, and then click the Save tab. In Word 2007, choose Word Options from the Office button. In Word 2010, choose Options from the File menu.

To find the backup copy of the file, follow these steps:

Locate the folder in which you last saved the missing file.
Search for files with the .wbk file name extension.

If you find any files that have the name "Backup of" followed by the name of the missing file, follow these steps, as appropriate for the version of Word that you are running.
Word 2010
Start Word 2010.
Click the File menu, and then click Open.
In the Files of type list (All Word documents), click All Files.
Click the backup file that you found, and then click Open.
Word 2007
Start Word 2007.
Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Open.
In the Files of type list, click All Files.
Click the backup file that you found, and then click Open.
Microsoft Word 2002 or Microsoft Office Word 2003
Start Word.
On the File menu, click Open.
Point to the arrow in the Files of type box, click All Files *.*, select the file, and then click Open.
If there is no .wbk file in the original folder, search the computer for any .wbk files. To do this, follow these steps, as appropriate for the version of Windows that you are running.
Windows Vistaor Windows 7
Click Start
Start button
, type *.wbk in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER.
If the File list contains the backup file, repeat the steps in step 2 ("Search for files with the .wbk file name extension) to open the file.

If the File list does not contain the backup file, continue to Method 3.
Windows XP
Click Start, point to Search, and then click For Files or Folders.
In the Search for files or folders named box, type *.WBK.
In the Look in box, point to the arrow, and then click My Computer.
Click Search Now.

Method 3: Search for AutoRecover files
If the preceding method does not locate the missing file, search for AutoRecover files. By default, Word searches for AutoRecover files each time that it starts, and then displays all that it finds in the Document Recovery task pane.
Step 1: Use Task Manager

Right-click the Taskbar, and then click Task Manager.
On the Processes tab, click any instance of Winword.exe or Microsoft Word, and then click End Process. Repeat this step until you have quit all instances of Winword.exe and Word.
Close the Windows Task Manager dialog box, and then start Word.

If Word finds the AutoRecover file, the Document Recovery task pane opens on the left side of the screen, and the missing document is listed as "document name " or as "document name ". If this occurs, double-click the file in the Document Recovery pane, click Save As on the File menu, and then save the document as a .doc file. Manually change the extension to .doc, if you have to.
08.06.2013 22:54 |
Kārtot pēc: jaunākā, vecākā

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