Tatad velos iestaties UK university of Hertfordshire, bet nesaprotu, kadi eksameni man jaliek, lai tur tiktu.Rakstiju viniem vestuli, bet isti visu neizpratu, tikai virspuseji.
Ja kads var palidzet, tas butu loti jauki.
Entry requirements may vary for each degree programme, and will be based on UK entry requirement equivalences. These are for guidance only; all applications will be looked at on an individual basis.
We currently ask for Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu.
For Up to 280 UCAS points: overall average grade of 7 in 12 subjects with two marked as profilkurss.
Guidance on individual undergraduate qualifications:
Equivalence with UK system
Entry requirements for Year 1 entry
Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu (Attestation of General Secondary Education)
3 years
GCE Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level
Up to 280 UCAS points:
overall average grade of 7 in 12 subjects with two marked as profilkurss
Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu marking system is based on a ten point scale.
The Certificate of General Secondary Education is accompanied by a list of marks given to 12 subjects, including 5 compulsory and 7 elective. From these subjects at least 2 must be marked as profilkurss (advanced). Others are marked as pamatkurss (basic course).
2. Entry requirements for postgraduate programmes
Entry to a postgraduate programme normally requires completion of 4-year Bakalaurs (Bachelor degree, awarded from 2003) with an overall Grade of 6-7 (C) or above.
Students who do not meet the standard postgraduate entry requirements should be referred to the Pre-Masters programme, Graduate Certificate in Business, HIBT Pre-LLM or a pre-sessional programme, as appropriate.
Guidance on individual postgraduate qualifications:
Equivalence with UK system
Entry requirements for postgraduate study
4 years
Considered equivalent to UK Bachelors Degree
Overall Grade of 6-7 (C) or above
3. Entry requirements for Foundation and Pre-Masters programmes
Undergraduate Foundation
Entry to the UH International Foundation programme normally completion of Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu, minimum grade of 6 in all 12 subjects.
There are two routes; IFP English focus (IELTS 4.5, with no less than 4.0 in any band) and IFP Subject focus (IELTS 5.5 with no less than 4.0 in any band). There is no longer Semester B intake on this programme.
4. English Language entry requirements
English Language Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu score of 8 is accepted as a substitute for IELTS 6.0 (with no less than 5.5 in any band)
Please see above for further explanation on qualification and scores.
5. Mathematics entry requirements
All applications to UG year 1 and PG courses require GCSE maths equivalence. Applicants should achieve a minimum grade 7 for Mathematics examinations in 9th form.