Rīdzeniece :D :D :D :D
Nu gan Tu nodevi, nezinu savas nezināšanas deļ vai arī vienkārši trollē:
Pirmkart Tramps ir vecs, 70 it gadi.
Klintonei ir 68 gadi. Trampam ir 69 gadi.
Nav nekadu dizo saniegumu, viss buvets uz mantojuma lielaa. Bijis ari kazino ipasnieks, nav nekas jedzigs.
Un vispar veselus 8 gadus vina bija senatora!
Aha un viņa dabrojās vienkārši "LIELISKI!" - Visas drošības normas tika pārkāptas darbojoties ar slepenajiem dokumentiem, Wikileaks nopludināja emailus, kuri bija "Top secret", bet glabājās uz viņas privātā konta:
Nemaz nerunājot par Obamas + Klintones veiksmīgo "Arab spring" stratēģiju, Bušs protams nebija nekāds enģelītis, bet nebija ne tuvu tāds haoss kāds tagad ir Sīrijā, Irākā, Lībijā, utt.:
Why does the United States seem to promote democracy in some Arab countries — such as Egypt, Libya, Syria — but not in others, like Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen?
"Situations vary dramatically from country to country. It would be foolish to take a one-size-fits-all approach and barrel forward regardless of circumstances on the ground," Clinton said. "Our choices also reflect other interests in the region with a real impact on Americans’ lives — including our fight against al Qaeda; defense of our allies; and a secure supply of energy… Fundamentally, there is a right side of history. We want to be on it."
What will the United States do if democracy brings anti-U.S. governments to power?
"The suggestion that faithful Muslims cannot thrive in a democracy is insulting, dangerous, and wrong. They do it in this country every day," Clinton said. "Parties committed to democracy must reject violence; they must abide by the rule of law and respect the freedoms of speech, association, and assembly; they must respect the rights of women and minorities; they must let go of power if defeated at the polls; and, in a region with deep divisions within and between religions, they cannot be the spark that starts a conflagration. In other words, what parties call themselves is less important than what they do."
What is the U.S. role in the Arab Spring?
"These revolutions are not ours — they are not by us, for us, or against us. But we do have a role. We have the resources, capabilities and expertise to support those who seek peaceful, meaningful democratic reform," Clinton said. "And with so much that can go wrong and so much that can go right, support for emerging Arab democracies is an investment we can’t afford not to make."
-2011. gads
Nemaz nerunājot par viņas Benghazi meliem:
Gribētu dzirdēt Tavu komentāru, kapēc Klintone būtu labāka par Trampu - nevis to, ka Tramps ir par 1(!) gadu vecāks, vai stulbumu, ka šis neko nav sasniedzis savā dzīvē, jo viņam bija $1 miljona aizdevums(ko viņš atmaksāja starp citu atpakaļ ar procentiem)....
As Donald Trump tells it, he has been told no his entire life. For example, he said Monday, his father gave him a "small loan of a million dollars" that he had to repay with interest at the start of his career.
tajā pašā laikā ir viņš to $1miljonu ir pārvērtis $4-10 MILJARDU biznesa impērijā.
Lynne Patton "The Trump Family That I Know" - A Black Female Trump Executive Speaks
Trump un Carson vai Rubio kā VP būtu lieliska izvēle 2016. gadā.