Varbūt ir kāda, kas ar angļu valodu ir uz tu, un varētu man nedaudz izpalīdzēt. Man vajadzētu iztulkot šos teikumus latviski, it kā viņu saprotu, bet nezinu, kā pareizāk pārtulkot.
Atzīmēšu to, kas nav skaidrs.
1. The global era has produced population movements of a breadth and richness wthout parallel in history.
2. In this city tonight, over 300 languages will be spoken by families over their evening meal at home. This pluralism is not a burden we must reluctantly accept. It is an immense asset that contributes to the cultural and economic vitality of our nation.
Paldies jau iepriekš, meitenes. (l)