Kay has earned $100,000 to $300,000 in each of the last three years. She has 1 million subscribers. That number is merely the gross revenue, however.
She makes 20 videos a week, all of which are filled with ads via Google's automated YouTube partners program.
Kay likely gets about $7.60 per 1,000 ad views, down from $9.35 in 2012, according to TubeMogul, which buys and sells video ads.
Ads are only run on a minority of videos shown. Roughly, a video creator will earn $2,000 for every million views. "And then YouTube takes 45 percent," the Times notes. (The IRS will take its cut of the remainder, too.)
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-money-youtube-stars-actually-make-2014-2#ixzz3CFKM2NWR
Daudzi iespējams, ka ir dzirdējusi, ka pastāv iespēja pelnīt internetā. Šāda iespēja tiešām pastāv un viens no variantiem ir youtube. Daudzi, tagad teiks, paga, paga, Latvijā ar youtube nevar pelnīt. Savā ziņā šeit varētu piekrist, taču Latvijā nevar pelnīt tikai, tad, ja pie registrēšanās esi norādījis, ka dzīvo Latvijā. Taču ir neliels sīkums, registrējoties ir jānorāda obligāti korekta adrese un korekts telefona numurs. Tas jādara tāpēc, ka uz norādīto adresi tiks sūtīta vēstule ar pin kodu. Šis pin kods būs kā apstiprinājums tam, ka Jūs dzīvojat norādītajā adresē. Pēc pin koda saņemšanas, tas jāievada google adsense mājas lapā, caur, kuru tad var konkrolēt youtube peļņu. Tātad, lai pelnītu ar youtube, Jums ir vajadzīgs vai nu kāds radinieks, kas dzīvo valstī, kurā youtube atļauj pelnīt, vai pašiem jāaizbrauc uz kādu mēnesi padzīvot. Kāpēc mēnesi? Viņi aptuveni divu līdz četru nedēļu laikā šo vēstuli atsūta. Labākais variants jau, protams, būtu, ja kāds no radiniekiem dzīvotu reālā adresē.
Criteria for YouTube partnership
Your YouTube channel may be eligible for the YouTube Partner Programme if it meets the following criteria:
the programme has been launched in your country;** (If the programme is not available in your country, you will see a notification in your monetisation settings.)
Your account is eligible, in good standing and hasn’t previously been disabled for monetisation.
You upload original, quality content that is advertiser-friendly.
Your video content complies with our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
You have reviewed our copyright education materials.
If you meet these criteria, learn how to become a partner here.
Please note: You may not be able to monetise videos which use any of the following without the explicit permission of the person who created or produced all material:
Music (including cover songs, lyrics and background music)
Graphics and pictures (including photographs and artwork)
Film or TV visuals
Video game or software visuals. Click here for details.
Live performances (including concerts, sporting events and shows)
*Users in some countries may still need to apply through an application form.
YouTuber Partner: Learn about copyright basics
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