Kārtot pēc: jaunākā, vecākā

Resnums! Tiešām??

Reitings 11
Reģ: 22.03.2013
Hi all! I was quite surprised by the previous 'Resnums' thread - here's my view on it!
17.10.2013 21:17 |
Reitings 263
Reģ: 13.10.2013
Yes it does!
17.10.2013 21:27 |
Reitings 11
Reģ: 22.03.2013
17.10.2013 21:28 |
Reitings 949
Reģ: 15.04.2013
that blog post is generalizing latvian women by taking some coments from cosmo, so it's as subjective as a random girls view that size 10 is fat :)
17.10.2013 21:32 |
Reitings 3031
Reģ: 09.09.2012
Hi, Linda! Great to see you back. I was following your blog for a some time, but then with all that fuss around Syria I forgot about expat eye of Latvia, but I'll catch up on everything I've missed.
17.10.2013 21:36 |
Reitings 263
Reģ: 13.10.2013
Kur palika tā patriote? :D Latviski nerunā!!!!
17.10.2013 21:37 |
Reitings 1446
Reģ: 20.12.2011
I don't think this ''problem'' is only in Latvia. From what I have seen, girls in France are more taking care for not to get 10 size, but remain at 8 (or 6), so LV girls and women are kinda normal in generally :)
17.10.2013 21:45 |
Reitings 1196
Reģ: 28.01.2013
I totally agree with you... ''you are normal if you are size 38, if you're 40 - you are fat'' - when i saw this i almoast fanted.
17.10.2013 21:54 |
Reitings 1196
Reģ: 28.01.2013
*fainted :)
17.10.2013 21:56 |
Reitings 524
Reģ: 31.07.2012
Indeed, you should go to France where with I with my normal size 10 with height 1,68 m I was not only the tallest but also by far largest girl on the street. So in case if you assume that girls here are crazy and obsessed with their weight, go there, dear.
17.10.2013 21:56 |
Reitings 11
Reģ: 22.03.2013
I agree that it is a problem in a lot of countries. Particularly among younger girls who think that what they see in fashion mags is real!
There's a really interesting article here:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-24522060 - scary stuff!
I've always thought that a lot of the women here have great figures - it's just that recently, a lot of them seem to be wasting away to nothing!
And cau Morgan! Liels paldies! :)
17.10.2013 21:56 |
Reitings 3031
Reģ: 09.09.2012

Kas patriote, es? Es nekad neesmu sevi saukusi par patrioti. Otrkārt, autore latviski nerunā, cik zinu mācās un tulko arī ar google palīdzību. Treškārt, cosmo forumā it kā visas zina angļu valodu, bet kad ir izdevība izteikties, tad ir liels klusums pēc iepriekšējās diskusijas spriežot.

They let their rat-dogs out of their Louis Vuitton handbags to try and gnaw a few pounds off you…

. Their legs are so thin, I find myself wondering how they can support the weight of all the hair and make-up.

I laughed out of my pants :D and I know my latvian friends will too when I'll share it with them. It would be hard to agree more. There is a noticeable tendency in Latvia to consider a woman fat if you can find on her a few ounces to loose. I explain this with low self esteem, that has a lot to do with Latvia's history, to think than you must look like a model from Calvin Klein fashion show or you are not good enough. But Latvian women are not alone in the world who are afraid to get fat. A poll done in USA revealed that many women would prefer to get run over by bus than get fat. I don't remember exact number but it was high, 40 or 50 %.
17.10.2013 22:07 |
Reitings 1196
Reģ: 28.01.2013
many women would prefer to get run over by bus than get fat
this is just insane. No really -is it ok to think ''i would rather die than gain weight?'' this is just not normal. I've lived in Germany and UK (just few months but still) but here in Latvia this ''cult of thinness'' is much more popular.
17.10.2013 22:13 |
Reitings 263
Reģ: 13.10.2013
Kas patriote, es? Es nekad neesmu sevi saukusi par patrioti. Otrkārt, autore latviski nerunā, cik zinu mācās un tulko arī ar google palīdzību. Treškārt, cosmo forumā it kā visas zina angļu valodu, bet kad ir izdevība izteikties, tad ir liels klusums pēc iepriekšējās diskusijas spriežot.

Kas tu tāda vispār esi? 0_o Pirmo reizi redzu!
17.10.2013 22:15 |
Reitings 8171
Reģ: 14.01.2013
Štanks,Gan jau kubieti domāja. :D

Linda, It is not a problem of young girls or woman in general,it is problem of society. Models are so skinny you might as well put a skeleton in fashion show would be no difference. Media are saying that only thin girls are beautiful. When a girl will start to love herself everyone else will think she is beautiful. Beauty comes from inside not outside, unfortunately we are not allowed to see it. Thank you for your blog,will look into it more. :)
17.10.2013 22:28 |
Reitings 3031
Reģ: 09.09.2012
That was said in interview with some American beauty queen done by Oksana Boyko on RT. If I could remember name of that American beauty I could find that interview. So, yes, it is from safe source.

I've lived in Germany and UK (just few months but still) but here in Latvia this ''cult of thinness'' is much more popular.

British and German nations doesn't have such a rough history of oppression so their women naturally have higher self esteem. Considering just recent history, Eastern europens and Russians were run over by oppressive soviet regime. I think that has a lot to do with our self esteem and way of thinking. Of course SU have fallen since more than 20 years, but we are raised by parents who grew up in SU.
17.10.2013 22:29 |
Reitings 1196
Reģ: 28.01.2013
Morgan that is very interesting point of view, i actully agree with you on this. But what is the deal with american women? Why would they choose to die if the choice is ''die'' or ''be fat'' (and live)? Is the idea of beauty really more important than life?
17.10.2013 22:46 |
Reitings 11
Reģ: 22.03.2013
Morgan, I can't get over that poll on American women! What has the world come to?!

Nazic, I agree with you - it's a shame that society is so shallow but I think we're all guilty of judging people on their appearances (every now and then anyway). :) Have you seen that in some stores in Sweden they're starting to use 'real women'-sized mannequins? It would be nice if that caught on everywhere! And I think more and more fashion designers are refusing super-skinny models for their clothes. Maybe things are starting to change for the better. It's about education as well - telling young people how damaging to your body being super-skinny can be.

And Štanks, sorry for not writing in Latvian but if I did, I'm not sure anyone would be able to understand me! I could Google translate everything but it would probably end up as gibberish as usual! (Plus I have to copy and paste every special character so it would take me around 4 years to write a sentence!)

17.10.2013 22:48 |
Reitings 3031
Reģ: 09.09.2012
But what is the deal with american women?

I explain this by drinking Prozac cocktail. Prozac is prescription anti depression drug that contains 99% fluoride and fluoride is added to drinking water in US.
I'm half serious and half joking.
17.10.2013 23:01 |
Reitings 17203
Reģ: 08.05.2010
So should all the thin girls go and stuff themselves with food to get some extra pounds? Its not anything bad that a thin girl wants to stay thin, she tells herself that a size 10 is chubby, to keep herself from going that far.
Over all I can agree that the girls in Latvia in the last fue years have became extremely thin, but saying that they are like this so that men would like them is WRONG, because we all know that most men like a little bit of curve on their woman, so you cant really say that these girls do it for men, but more for themselves, to feel more comfortable and YES maybe to be "better" then other girls, in a way.
But then again, hell who cares? none is forcing you to be thin like them? or fat like others? People should think for themselves not what others write in magazines or post in hate blogs.
17.10.2013 23:08 |
Reitings 1196
Reģ: 28.01.2013
It's a little bit more complicated than that. How many girls have bulimia or anorexia because they think, that they HAVE TO BE THIN? Because otherwise it will not be pretty, they won't fit in the ''standart''? Is that ok? If a girl wants to be healty, lean, athletic -it's totally ok. If she wants to be thinner and thinner and thinner because of the ''standarts'' it is not ok (but that's just my opinion). A normal woman who wants to stay thin and healty (not because it's ''right'') will not try to convince herself that size 10 is fat just to keep her size 8 (but again - just my opinion).
17.10.2013 23:19 |
Kārtot pēc: jaunākā, vecākā

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