Kārtot pēc: jaunākā, vecākā

Filmu citāti.

Reitings 1434
Reģ: 29.01.2009

Ietekmējos no tēmas grāmatu citāti.

Uzrakstiet lūdzu, kuri ir jūsu mīļākie filmu citāti.

Pašai gribās palasīt, kuri(filmu)citāti Jums patīk. :)

25.08.2011 01:45 |
Reitings 1434
Reģ: 29.01.2009
"We'll always have Paris."
"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."


"Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

(Forrest Gump)
25.08.2011 01:53 |
Reitings 265
Reģ: 29.01.2009
Ir bijuši ļoti daudz tādu "wow" citātu, bet nekad nevienu nekur nepierakstu un manā galvā nekas nesaglabājas, bet viens gan:

You think you know who you are? - You have no idea. (Crash)
25.08.2011 01:55 |
Reitings 9202
Reģ: 13.03.2011
Precīzi nenocitēšu, bet man ļoti patika citāti filmā "Hachiko" Par draudzību - īstu un patiesu. Par to - ka vienmēr mūs kāds gaida! |-) (l)
25.08.2011 02:00 |
Reitings 608
Reģ: 29.01.2009
'The freedom and simple beauty is too good to pass up... '
'You don't need human relationships to be happy, God has placed it all around us. '
'Happiness only real when shared. '
'When you want something in life, you just gotta reach out and grab it.'

('Into The Wild')
25.08.2011 02:03 |
Reitings 7908
Reģ: 05.02.2011
Alfie: What have I got? Really? Some money in my pocket, some nice threads, fancy car at my disposal, and I'm single. Yeah... unattached, free as a bird... I don't depend on nobody and nobody depends on me... My life's my own. But I don't have peace of mind. And if you don't have that, you've got nothing. So... what's the answer? That's what I keep asking myself. What's it all about? You know what I mean?
25.08.2011 02:06 |
Reitings 48
Reģ: 29.01.2009
There is three ways to do things:
a) the right way;
b) the wrong way;
c) the way that I do it.(Casino movie)

You can't lose someone you never had. (How to lose a guy in 10 days)

Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out? (What a girl wants)

25.08.2011 02:06 |
Reitings 1854
Reģ: 01.08.2011
25.08.2011 02:11 |
Reitings 824
Reģ: 22.02.2009
*Tā kā šī filma ļoti patika, tad lūk arī šīs filmas treileris ar citātiem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA9Q_hEDne8

* "Il bel far niente" - Nekā nedarīšanas skaistums (Eat, pray, love)

* "To lose balance sometimes for love is aprt of living a balanced life." (Eat, pray, love)

25.08.2011 02:18 |
10 gadi
Reitings 1283
Reģ: 19.06.2010
Es bieži skatoties filmas ievēroju kādu labu citātiņu, bet nepierakstu un tad aizmirstu. Vienīgais, kas nāk prātā, ir no Charlie St. Cloud- "You can't put life on hold, Charlie. It doesn't wait for you."
25.08.2011 02:22 |
Reitings 824
Reģ: 22.02.2009
* "Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner." (Dirty Dancing)
25.08.2011 02:24 |
Reitings 8187
Reģ: 27.12.2009
Forests Gamps tiešam ir laba filma (l)
25.08.2011 02:29 |
Reitings 60
Reģ: 03.07.2011
Klasika, bet "After all... tomorrow is another day!". (Gone with the Wind)

Vespera, CasablanCa ;-)
25.08.2011 02:32 |
Reitings 1319
Reģ: 10.10.2010

3 words 8 letters say it and I`m yours. (l) (GG)

somebody stop me (The Mask)

S-s-s-s-smokin . (The Mask)

:-D 8-)
25.08.2011 02:38 |
Reitings 276
Reģ: 05.01.2011
"Victory loves preparation"
/The Mechanic/

"...love is like a wind. I can't see it but I can feel it"
/A Walk to Remember/

"The fool looks at a finger that points at the sky"
25.08.2011 02:40 |
10 gadi
Reitings 2910
Reģ: 27.08.2009
(500) days of summer:

"Either she's an evil, emotionless, miserable human being, or... she's a robot."
"I love how she makes me feel, like anything's possible, or like life is worth it."
25.08.2011 02:40 |
Reitings 1434
Reģ: 29.01.2009
Vai, paldies par interesantiem citātiem un par pievienotiem linkiem. (l)

Linn, kā es tā pieļāvu kļūdu :)
25.08.2011 02:40 |
Reitings 5395
Reģ: 29.01.2009
"Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face. You really need to be certain it's what you want before you commit."
— Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)
"you have the opposite of poker face. You have like...... miniature golf face."
— Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)
25.08.2011 02:48 |
Reitings 2739
Reģ: 25.02.2009
Fight Club pilns ar lieliskiem citātiem, kas atgādina dzīves patiesību :
Narrator: ''This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time. ''
Tyler Durden: ''Only after disaster can we be resurrected. ''
Robert 'Bob' Paulson: ''Go ahead, Cornelius, you can cry. ''
Tyler Durden:'' It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. ''
Tyler Durden: ''Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. ''
Tyler Durden: ''The things you own end up owning you. ''

Un viens lielisk no Vikija.Kristīna.Barcelona :)

Juan Antonio:'' Maria Elena used to say that only unfulfilled love can be romantic. ''
25.08.2011 03:07 |
Reitings 261
Reģ: 29.01.2009
ir daudz citātu, kuri ir iepatikušies skatoties filmas, bet lielākā daļa, protams, tiek aizmirsti. uzskaitīšu dažus:
"I know myself like the back of my hand. I can predict my every reaction" /mr. nobody/
"Roses are red, violets are blue, fuck you whore" /500 days of summer/
"You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone." (neesmu pārliecināta, vai 100% pareizi) /the untouchables/
"With friends like these who needs armies?" /gossip girl/
25.08.2011 03:15 |
Reitings 2739
Reģ: 25.02.2009
ahh, michelle, kā man patīk tas 500 days of summer citāts. vnk aaaa, viņš ir LIELISKS. tik trāpīgi :D
25.08.2011 03:22 |
Kārtot pēc: jaunākā, vecākā

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